Blog Awards

To have been chosen as a “Very Inspiring Blogger” and as one who is keeping blogosphere a beautiful place, is humbling! I give the glory to God. I would like to thank Kate Kresse and Angela for nominating me for this award. Kate is definitely one of the beautiful people in blogosphere. The posts on her blog are always upbeat, optimistic, and life-affirming. She has a wonderful way of putting a smile on your face. Angela, another one of the beautiful people in blogosphere, inspires with her ability to present Jesus Christ in a very special way. She shares exciting true stories, and uses analogies to teach us the things of God! Her presentations are absolutely wonderful! Thank you again, Kate and Angela.
There are a few guidelines for accepting this award. They are as follows:
1. Acknowledge the giver of the award, and link back to their site.
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
3. List seven things about yourself. (My least favorite to do.)
4. Pass the award to 7 bloggers.
Okay, seven fourteen things about myself:
1. I love the Lord with all my heart!
2. Praise is what I do, and it is who I am.
3. I enjoy reading nonfiction material.
4. Spring is my favorite season.
5. I would much rather clean the house, than cook.
6. I am a perfectionist.
7. I love to sing, listen to, and compose gospel music.
8. I am an avid animal lover. (Just recently we got a puppy!)
9. I am definitely not a world traveler. (I don’t like airplanes.)
10. I am the fourth of six children. (Three girls, and three boys)
11. I enjoy watching sports. (At one time, I enjoyed participating.)
12. I started writing a book about how RSD/CRPS has changed my life.
13. I have never had a Facebook account, but I do like Google+.
14. I am/was a collector of sorts.
(I added a few more things about myself, because I added a few other
awards in this post.)
Drumroll please! I present the nominees for this award:
1. Noel
2. Minister Aiken
Pastor Davis
4. Bishop Prince
5. Rev. Nadine Drayton-Keen
6. Cristal
7. Mike Fisk
(I wanted to note, that I was nominated for this award quite some time ago. However, I was experiencing technical difficulties that prevented me from leaving comments on blogs throughout blog land. Therefore, it would have been impossible for me to alert those I nominated.) For me, the best thing about being nominated, is that I am able to pass the awards on to others, thus driving more traffic to their blogs. So, when you have a moment please visit the blogs that are nominated throughout this post. You will laugh, possibly cry (happy tears), be inspired, and you will most definitely be blessed!)
I was nominated for the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award  by Francine, at “Francine In Retirement, Seeing Life through Photography.” She is an excellent photographer. You will enjoy viewing the world through her camera lens. Her photography is wonderful, and the commentary she shares is always educational and attention arresting. I take this opportunity to thank Francine for nominating me for this award, which happens to be one of my favorites. I really like what this particular award stands for, a sisterhood of bloggers! Isn’t that wonderful? Well, I think so. I have met so many bloggers who love the Lord, and though I have not met them in person, I am proud to call them “friend.”  I am honored to be a part of this sisterhood of bloggers, for sure! Thank you again, Francine for nominating me for this award .
As I understand them, the guidelines for accepting this award are:
1. Share seven things about yourself.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Place the award on your blog.
4. Pass the award on to at least 5 bloggers.
Drumroll please! The nominees for this award are:
1. Sherline
2. Worship and Swag
3. Debra
4. Angela
5. Betty
6. Lady Deidre
One last thing. I would like to give honorable mention to a few more bloggers, who are definitely a part of my sisterhood of bloggers: Ann, Debbie, and Caddo.

I was nominated for the “Commentator Award” by Sherline, at the “Watchu Thinkin Blog.” When you visit Sherline’s Blog, it will be evident that she loves the Word of God! She is a talented writer, who does in-depth studies into the Word! You will never come away empty, after visiting her blog. I take this time to thank Sherline for nominating me for this award. I am humbled. May the Lord continue to bless her, and to use her for His glory.

Until being nominated for this award, I had never heard of it. There were no specific guidelines for accepting this award, so I will assume, that the guidelines for the previously mentioned award (just above) will apply here, as well. 

Drumroll please! The nominees for this award are as follows:
1. Kate
2. Angela
4. Stephanie
5. Reality of Christ

I was nominated for the “Illuminating Bloggers Award” by
Stephanie, at “Finding Hope And Peace In An Uncertain World.” Upon visiting Stephanie’s blog, you will realize that she loves the Lord passionately! Though she suffers from several chronically painful illnesses, she never ceases to give the Lord praise and glory! What an inspiration to me she is! Thank you, Stephanie. Also, thank you for nominating me for this award. I give God the glory. 
Please use the guidelines listed for the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award,” for this award.
Drumroll please! The nominees for this award are:

1. Ree
2. Trisha Sebastian
3. David Newby
4. Garrick and Mary Brown
5. Judy

I was nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award,” by Martha, at the “In Love With The Lord Blog.” Martha is definitely in love with Lord! She is a gifted writer, and she uses her gift to share Jesus with the world, at the various websites she is associated with. Martha is involved in many projects, so please click on “About Martha L. Shaw” At the top of her blog page, when you pay her a visit. I would like to take this time to thank Martha for nominating me for this award, for which all glory goes to the Lord.
The guidelines for accepting this award are as follows:
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
3. Tell them 7 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other blogs you like for this award.
5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.
Drumroll please! The nominees for this award are as follows:

1. Lyn
2. Stephanie
3. Tsizzles
4. Ifightforgod

It has taken me a while to accept these awards, due in part, to long-term technical difficulties. (I mentioned one technical issue near the beginning of this post.) It may take a few visits to this post, to visit all of the individuals who were nominated for various awards. However, you won’t be disappointed. Thank you very much for bearing with me, and may God bless you! 

27 comments on “Blog Awards

  1. Wow Paulette. Thank you for the blessing of this Award. I really find your blog really inspirational and deserving of all the nominations so congratulations my friend! May God bless you for all that you do to advance His kingdom with praise and worship as a lifestyle.

    Sherline 😀

    • You are quite welcome, Sherline! Your blogs are wonderful! It is very obvious, that they are written by someone who has heart which is filled with love for the Lord Jesus!

      Thank you for your words of kindness. They are much appreciated! It is so nice, that we are able to encourage each other in the Lord! God bless you, my friend! 🙂

  2. My Sister in Christ,

    Thank you so much Paulette for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. It is a very pleasant surprise!

    I am truly touched by the warmth and kindness you display not only on your highly inspirational and motivational blog but also on your Google+ posts and in your Google+ comments to everyone, including me. I pray that our God will continue to shower down His many blessings in your life.Take care.


    • You are welcome, Rev. Nadine! When you subscribed to my blog, I was truly humbled! You are an anointed and gifted writer! Although I am a new visitor to your blog, you have already been an inspiration to me! I was captivated by the post you wrote, on the Holy Spirit! What a blessing!

      Thank you for your words of kindness! I enjoy sharing on Google+. It is such a privilege to share about Jesus, in any forum. May the Lord bless you, abundantly.

    • Thank you so much! You are too kind, Lady Deidre! Technical difficulties played a huge role in my compiling all of the awards in one post! 🙂 It is such a humbling experience, to be a part of this community/sisterhood of bloggers! 🙂 Congratulations, and you are quite welcome! I’m so glad you are a part of this community, as well! God bless!

  3. Hi Paulette! WOW–look at all the awards! Big congratulations to you–well done, good and faithful servant! And thank you for the honorable mention–you’ve NO idea how tempting it is to accept this one, as you are so right that it’s especially meaningful–our sisterhood in Him! Thank you for your love and kind generosity–God bless you–love, sis Caddo

    • Even though you don’t participate in the awards anymore, I simply could not ignore this opportunity to show my appreciation to you, in this small way. 🙂 You are a blessing to me, and I so appreciate you! Thank you for being a part of the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers!” Love in Christ, Paulette

      • I was thinking about you today, Paulette, and just wanted to say how much I appreciate meeting you through our blogs–and how much your Wednesday Worship and Praise has blessed and ministered to me. I really look forward to it each week! It’s funny how in the beginning, I didn’t know how to bring the music offerings, so I brought my own poems–and then, when I learned how easy it was to bring the songs, it took all the pressure off, for writing something new!! I don’t know why I feel such a connection to you–BUT God!!–I wish you and Deb were just next door! It will be so fun when we finally get to meet in Heaven!! May He bless you extra big today–big hug, love from sis Caddo!

        • Caddo, I am truly humbled! Initially, after reading your message I really didn’t know what to say. 🙂 You truly touched me. Thank you so much. It means so much to me, to call you friend! What a huge bonus, that the Lord would bless you through the praise and worship sessions! All glory and praise to our God! You being there, along with the other worshipers, is such an encouragement to me. Thank you….I’m glad that you know how to bring the music offerings now, but I want you to know how much I enjoy the poems the Lord gives to you to share. No pressure! 🙂 Whatever the Lord places on your heart to share, is always a blessing! Love you too, sis Caddo! Thank you, again. May the Lord bless you, abundantly!

    • You are a great writer! Your blog postings are always great reads! So, yes you are the recipient of a summer award! LOL! Congratulations! 🙂 God bless you!

  4. Congratulations Paulette. You thoroughly deserve each one. I know I’ve said it before, but it is always sooooooooooooo uplifting to visit your blog and especially to join in your praise sessions (even though I can’t enjoy the videos).

    Thank you for the honour of the two awards. As always, I accept them as tributes to my amazing God, because it is only as He enables that I can participate.

    • Thank you so much, Angela! You are too kind! Your words mean a lot to me, and you have touched my heart. 🙂 To God be the glory! I always appreciate seeing you in our worship sessions, even though you are unable to enjoy the music. You have such a heartfelt praise for the Lord on the inside! I know you just can’t keep it to yourself, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! God bless you today! Thank you, again! 🙂

  5. Praising Him with you Paulette, for all that He has brought to you and has done here at your blog through you! Thank you so much for the honorable mention . .. I love our sisterhood! God bless you and love on you today!

    • Hi Encouraging Debbie,

      You are welcome! Thank you so much, Debbie for all you do, and for just being you! You are such an encouragement to me. I know that I’m being redundant, but it’s true! 🙂 Thank you again, my friend! Love and prayers!

  6. Congratulations to you, Dear Minister

    You deserve every last one of these awards! Happy for ya!


    P.S. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough 😉

    • Hi Ann,

      Thank you so much dropping by! Thanks a lot for your kind words. I really wanted you, Caddo, and Debbie to know, how much I appreciate your friendship, and your support. It is such an honor for me to be a part of your sisterhoods! I thank God for all of you! 🙂 God bless!

    • Hi Jackie,

      It’s really nice to see you! 🙂 How have you been? I didn’t originally plan to share the awards on one page, but a few awards came in pretty close together when I was having a lot of technical difficulty. It was after I got the issues resolved, that I decided to post the awards on the same page. Anyway, it’s really good to see you, and I’ll try to visit your blog soon! God bless you! 🙂

    • Hello Shianwrites,

      Welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by today! 🙂 I was truly touched by your compliment, and humbled even more so! Again, thank you so much! I truly hope you were blessed by something you may have read or heard, because it is truly all about Jesus! I stopped by your blog today, and I hope to visit again soon! God bless you, and very nice to meet you!


  7. Pingback: One Lovely Blogger Award | writersfield

    • Thank you very much! Your kindness is very much appreciated! May the Lord bless you abundantly! Congratulations to you! You have a wonderful blog!

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